Posts Tagged With: Advice

Covid-19 From A Different Perspective

Covid-19 Different Perspective

An Introduction:

I’ve said something similar before, just don’t remember if it was on my Facebook timeline or in response to something else on Facebook, but in reading posts about how people are dealing with this, it dawned on me, this is an introduction. This is something for the young, maybe not so young, healthy, non-disabled people out there, who are not use to being cooped up, to think about:

The Perspective:

Consider this:
The suddenness of your not being able to go where you want, when you want, the way you want, imposed by an unseen virus that just swooped right in and stole your freedom, limited your motion, etc. (I know you get the point, we’re all going through it). This is all your introduction to suddenly finding yourself disabled.
Whether it be because your body suddenly, (or even not so suddenly, but you are ignoring the warning signs, as I did), betrays you and won’t do what it use to do. Suddenly discovering after you drank and drove and had that accident, and lost bodily functions because of it…I think you can see where I’m going with this: This is the life that those of us who are disabled go through when it first hits us.
It’s depressing. It’s a difficult adjustment. It’s hell trying to figure out what the heck to do with yourself and the pent up energy, that eventually fades from lack of use, because frankly, things just hurt too damn much. This is the beginning being a guinea pig for doctors and pharmaceutical companies. This is where many become drug addicts to get away from the pain and depression. This where some who didn’t have a drinking problem before develop one.
Not everyone can make the adjustment, I’ve been dealing with it for 8 years now, and I’m still trying to adjust without turning to alcohol or prescription medications. In doing so, I can easily see why some people turn to those routes. Pain management without the extra help is hell on earth on a bad day. It’s hard. It sucks. It’s frustrating on a good day. It’s tiring. It’s really similar to what everyone is going through with the social distancing and stay at home directives we’ve been given. Why do I say it’s similar? Because I’ve been doing this for 8 years now. I saw it coming three weeks ago when we were all first asked to stay home if we can. I knew what everyone was going to feel like. 8 years ago I went from a fully over active 53 year old to a I can barely move at times 53 year old in a blink of an eye (well for me it was also a step down a steep step when it hit, but my point is, it hit me quick and with little warning).
I had stuff to do, places to be, people to see. I rarely slowed down. I thought I had time to get my retirement money together, I thought I’d have a grand adventure after I retired. My plan was to be a very active, life living senior.
Life throws us curve balls, bumps in the road, and all out detours. Now is a really good time to think about how, when this is all over, you are going to be better prepared for the next curve ball, bump in the road, and (not or) all out detour that WILL happen in your lifetime.

Something Else To Think About:

Also, please try to look at life a bit differently when this is all over:
The next time you get impatient with a disabled person, regardless of who they are to you, please remember this:
Once upon a time, they were just like you! However, just like this Covid-19 has been thrust upon you, and forced you to live your life differently for now, they have gone through that same forced adjustment period, though probably for a lot longer than you will have to deal with the Covid-19 issues (and many cases still trying to adjust to it). For you, this is more than likely just a temporary “disabiltity”, but for them it’s permanent.

Covid-19 Toilet Paper

Some Unsolicited Advice:

For some of us disabled seniors, it’s difficult to admit our limitations, because we are fighting a battle against those limitations. We don’t want to give up yet, or feel like we are surrendering. Some might be snippy when you try to help them. Try asking if you can help. It might take you a little longer to get to where you are going or to achieve what you are trying to achieve. They will let you know if you can help them or not.
And if they aren’t nice about it, smile and know it’s not you, it’s them and their own battle with themselves.
If they seem hesitant, know that it’s because they know they need help, but they just don’t know how to accept it, partly because they don’t quite know what it is they need help with, (though right now it’s probably just buying toilet paper), or how to accept it without betraying themselves in the battle that they fight within themselves on a daily (usually minute by minute) basis.
Categories: Adventure, Blogs, Change, Change, Enemy Within, Healthcare, Life, Obstacles, Obstacles, Overcoming, Protest, Reboot, Social Media, Struggle, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Just A Rant Of Sorts, Though The Message is True

Be Yourself in jpg

I Use To Care About People’s Opinions of Me

Once upon a time, before 46 years ago, to be exact, I use to care about the opinions that other people had of me. So much so that I let those opinions define me. I was so wrapped up in letting those opinions define me that I, literally, became who I needed to be to be around the people I was around. This meant changing into a different person whenever I got around another person. At one point I became 18 to 25 different people. All 18 to 25 of “me” were NOT me. In 1972, I stopped caring, because at the end of the day, no matter who I was, it was never good enough, and I had no clue who I really was. The real me got lost. I hit a point of “If you like me, great. If you don’t like me f you, I don’t need you”. Since I gave my life to the Lord I’ve modified that to “If you like me, great, If you don’t, that’s your loss and your problem”.

My Journey to Know Me

In 1972, I set out to find me. I did not like any of the 18 to 25 of me that I had adopted as me. It took me a long time to understand that the reason I didn’t like those “me” was because 1) They weren’t me, 2) They represented things in life that I just do not like. It took me 17 years to find me, all the while not liking myself or my own company and constantly seeking other people to be around. Not necessarily interacting with them or being part of a “group”, just being around them. Riding the bus for no particular reason, going no place in particular was a really great way to do that. I did that a lot. Even got a job driving a bus so I could do so for free.

I Finally Found Me

At the end of my first semester of college I finally found myself. It was actually a bit of an epiphany for me. It started with my final grades for the first semester where I made the Honor Roll. I hadn’t done that since my first semester in the 10th grade. I realized then that I had, back in the 10th grade, bought into the “you’re stupid”, “you’ll never amount to anything”, “you’re….” this and that (all negative). That up until I decided to look for me, I had become what everyone was telling me I was. I had dumbed myself down too far, and buried myself. My first semester in College brought me back up to the surface from the very deep pit I had buried myself in.

Stupid People Do Not Make The Honor Roll

This was the first thought I had when I looked at me final grade for the semester. A GPA of 3.15 isn’t a 4.0, but it’s not the sign of stupid person either. I honestly hadn’t tried very hard that semester. My initial reason for going back to school was to get off the on welfare of welfare, back on it again cycle that I had been stuck in since I left my first husband. Looking at my grades, I thought…I can do better than this. I’m not stupid or worthless. I have value. So for the next 4 semesters, I tried harder.

Trying Harder Does Not Work For Me

I had five semesters to go before I graduated when I got that first set of grades. For the next three regular semesters I tried harder. One of those semesters was a summer course that I aced with a 4.0 because computer language is logical and logic always comes easy to me, but I needed the course for the direction I had decided to go after changing my major twice. What happened during the three semesters that I tried harder was my GPA went down. I stayed on the Honor Roll, but each semester, I tried harder, and each semester my GPA went down. The last semester I tried harder, it was at a 3.11. Nothing to sneeze at, but it wasn’t my goal. My fifth and final semester, I didn’t try, I just did it. BINGO…4.0 GPA.

Not Trying, Just Doing Does Work For Me

Then it clicked…don’t try, just do. From that moment on, that has been my approach to everything I do. From that moment on, I had a much better idea of who I was, who I wanted to be, what I wanted to do. I achieved most of what I wanted to do. I like my own company, and have gotten to the point where I actually prefer to be alone. It’s less stressful, and the older I get the more I detest stress, and as a general rule will even go out of my way to avoid it.

As I Approach My 60th Birthday

I’ve had all kinds of stress triggers for the majority of my life. Some from outside influences (as previously mentioned), some self induced (some as previously mentioned some I am not going to mention, as at the moment they do not matter).

Being in a position to control what I allow to stress me out and what I do not has become a luxury, finally, at this stage in my life, that I hold very dear. However, there appears, as I’ve learned over the last 6 months, times when I just cannot avoid them. Yesterday was, unfortunately, one of those days.

Generally, I Choose To Be Passive-Aggressive

I really prefer to be Passive. Much less stressful. But there are times a certain amount of aggressiveness or assertiveness is required. In those cases Passive-Aggressive works for me. But I’ve also just recently learned, there are times where some people see my Passive-Aggressiveness as making me easy prey to their behaviors towards me as permission to behave toward me the way they do. That I am somehow just going to keep taking it.

We All Have A Breaking Point

I hit mine yesterday. If I had actually been talking to this person, her responding for a grown adult that can speak for themselves, in the disrespectful manner that she did wouldn’t have irritated me so much, maybe, and I could have remained passive-aggressive with this person. When she said “Jesus Christ” the same way people say GD, I lost it. Passive anything was gone. Honestly, I am surprised that I was able to keep it at “Don’t say that” as nicely as I did. Yes, you can say “Jesus Christ” like you are talking to Him any time you want to, I don’t have a problem with that…but when you say it like people say GD, I do have a problem with it. It’s not as common in my world lately, as people who use God’s name like His last name is Damn, so I haven’t come up with a clever way to tell people not to do it (with GD it’s “God’s last name is not Damn), but in as much as I tell people not to say GD around me, I’m not going to hesitate to tell you not to use Jesus Christ in the same manner. That’s ONE.

Your Opinion of Me Does NOT Define Me

This is TWO. I really do not care if you like me or not. That is your choice, based on your own warped biases, ability to hold an unnecessary grudge (I got over the issue a long time ago, in spite of the fact that your disrespect of me was a thousand times greater than the disrespect you thought I was giving you. I cannot help it that you chose to not listen because of your perceived lofty opinion of yourself and who you think you are to me).

You are not my family. You are not my friend. You do not like me. Boo hoo…NOT. I tried to be your friend, in a place where you had none at the time. I tolerated you. But I also watched and listened. I paid attention. I saw you for who you really are. (I just have an uncanny ability to do that.) I am not evenly remotely fooled by the false front you put on around other people. I think that is what makes you not like me. I am perfectly okay with that. I do not like people who are fake anyway, and you, lady, are the most fake person I have ever come across in all of my nearly 60 years. I have absolutely no reason to, nor would I anyway, to kiss up to you. You have nothing I want or need.

You do not pay my bills. You do not do anything for me but annoy me. I intentionally stay in my room when you come over (uninvited, by the way and without warning which is just plain rude). I avoid you to avoid the annoyance. You can chose to believe whatever you want to about me, based on basically nothing. It really does not bother me. I find it hilariously funny. Why? Because it is not me. I know it is not me. People who really know me, and even many who do not know me that well, but better than you do, know it is not me. There are people that know less about me than you do, know that is not me. But the real bottom line is God knows that is not me, and honestly, His opinion of me is all that is going to matter come my day of Judgement. Yours will not.

As To Your Verbalized Physical Threats

Lady, you better hope the next time you try to get in my face like you did yesterday (twice) there is always someone standing in between us or in close proximity that they could get potentially hurt. If there is not, I promise you, I will not hesitate to knock your cocky, self-important, overly inflated ego out cold. You may think I’m not strong enough. But that just goes to show, you really do not know me. If I can knock a full grown 6′ 8″ very buff man out cold and send him flying up four feet and back six feet, when I’m stone cold drunk, you cream puff, are a piece of cake, even in my current physical condition.

Lastly, Stay The Hell Out of Business That Does Not Concern You

I would not have been downstairs yesterday, at all, had I not been asked to come down and fix something, partly because I knew you were here (though why you could not be all loud and excited in your own home instead of someone else’s home is beyond me, but it was enough to let me know that you were here), but mostly because I did not have a need to. The person I was talking to is perfectly capable of speaking for herself. If I am not speaking to you (which I do try very hard not to do, because I do not like you), do not speak to me. You do not know how or just choose to not be civil with me (I know it is the latter), in spite of your distaste for me, so just do not speak to me at all. The saying goes: “If you cannot say something nice, do not say it at all”. I’m telling you just do not speak to me at all and I will show you the same courtesy (which I was already showing you to begin with).

In Short

You cream puff are not worthy to be my peer. You and your opinion do not matter to me, even a little.

Categories: Adventure, Change, Enemy Within, Life, Obstacles, Overcoming, Smack Talking, Struggle, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , | Leave a comment


Dating is difficult nowadays. It seems that everyone has a different idea of what a “date” is or should be. And in doing the research for this article it seems that Merriam Webster’s Collegiate® Dictionary, Tenth Edition, Copyright 2003 had the same difficulty. If those that define the word have trouble, it is no wonder that we have trouble. Zeroing in on the definitions I am looking for in regards to this article:

²date: 4a: an appointment to meet at a specified time; esp: a social engagement between two persons that often has a romantic character

²date: 4b: a person with whom one has a usu. romantic date

Even within the definitions quoted above, there appears to be some different ideas as to what “romantic” means. Merriam Webster’s Collegiate® Dictionary, Tenth Edition, Copyright 1996 also has difficulty narrowing down what “romantic” means with 2 entries and the the first having 6 definitions, and many of those have sub-definitions. “Romance” is referred to within that definition and it has two entries as well. While Webster’s New WorldTM Thesaurus, Third Edition, Copyright 2003, narrows it down some, but not much. My point is, without a clear definition, that specifically defines what “dating”, “romantic” or even “romance” means, it is left to each individual’s interpretation. This, I believe, is what makes “dating” problematic in the first place.

No wonder we are confused. From my own experience and observations, guys tend to think of all of it one way and women another. Even within the sexes there are differences. Most of us are “coached” by our parents when we are teens, with rules that we are suppose to follow. Those rules are usually based on how the parent(s) were raised, combined with their own fears and experiences. They know what they did at that age and that they do not want you to do it. Only a few actually obeyed their parents rules. I admit, for the most part, I did not, though I did, at first.

For me, the rules were no “dating” until I was 16, dating in groups, and no boyfriends until I had dated a few guys first. I bypassed the waiting until I was 16, the first week of school. And by the third week I realized dating more than one was not for me. From then on, I had a different boyfriend every week for the first semester of the ninth grade (but not by choice). While we didn’t go out in groups, we did go to “group events”. The High School Football games, then the school dances afterward. The High School Basketball games, and Wrestling Matches. Then I noticed something was dreadfully wrong.

The different guy every week was because I refused to “put out”. As some teenage boys will do, the guys lied and said I did. That caused me to have a reputation for “putting out”. (This is probably an archaic term nowadays, but the meaning should still be clear). School had started in early September 1972, I turned 14 in early November of that year. It was a full year and three months later when I lost my virginity, and by then I had stopped dating the guys at school for a while. I thought getting dates in the ninth grade was really easy, but once I realized WHY I had such an easy time, I knew I had to shift the dating game around.

I was determined to stay a virgin, until I met the one I was going to spend the rest of my life with. I may have been very smart and stupid, at the same time, when I was 13 and 14 years of age, but I had enough sense to say no and let the boy go. To shift things around, I stopped letting the boys pick me and picked them, and no blind dates. It was a little difficult, but with help from a really awesome friend in my English 1 class, I learned. Being a tomboy, I really am not that into my appearance, but I learned how to use it to my advantage. Mostly, all I had to do was be in the right place at the right time. If I was interested in a guy that did not notice me, I got him to notice me by being interested in what he was in to. This later proved to be a good thing for me. I can fix just about anything on an older model car, all by myself and I can drive a manual transmission. There were other problems, as I was more attracted to one boy in particular, but me being white was an issue for his father, and him being Hispanic caused my mother to add a new rule to the “Dating Rules” that I did not follow unless the mood struck me.

In my twenties, getting dates was a little harder, but still not that hard for me. I did things I liked to do and the guys noticed me. Rollerskating, dancing at the clubs (they were still meat markets back then, but just not to the extent that they are now), a church function. The problem was I was either too picky or not picky enough. Mostly the latter not the former. In my thirties, I just picked the wrong person, in the wrong place, for the wrong reason. Throughout the twenties and thirties I was married three times to white men, that were just disastrous relationships. I had also lived with a couple of Hispanic men and a Black Man (African American was not how he referred to himself), none of which remained permanent.

In my forties, the pickings just did not look all that great where I was, (can you say location, location, location?). For this reason I thought I would try expanding my horizons and try the Internet Dating Game. Mind you, when I started on this adventure, I had to overcome the taboo “internet dating is for losers”. Having done that I got started, with a plan:

First I came up with a time frame: 5 years. Second I composed a series of questions to weed out the game players. The series of questions had to evolve as I spent more time talking to guys online, but my rules were pretty strict. Over a period of time, I had a pretty decent system, or so I thought. As fast as I revamped my system, the guys that approached me became craftier. Therefore, a few managed to slip under my radar anyway. The venue really does not matter. Guys talk a lot of smack, it is just definitely much easier to lie on the internet. Now when I say lie, you have to understand that I do not believe in degrees of lying, (i.e. fibs, white lies, exaggerations, little lies, big lies, big fat whopping lies, omissions, etc.), as I believe anything less than the whole truth is a lie. Unfortunately, one of the issues of the “Internet Dating Game” is that many people, not just the guys, think “I can say whatever I want”, “I can be whatever I want”, etc. “because this person is never going to find out”.

The problem with that kind of thinking is, at least when dealing with me: I am a “put up or shut up” kind of person. I would pay the money to go meet them, see them, and see how we connected in person. When meeting someone, in person, the truth always shows and lies are much more difficult to hide. I am positive that this is why, when it came time for many of my first meets, a lot of the guys just did not show up. Being the person that I am, I did not dwell on being stood up for more than an hour, I just found other ways to make the trip not a waste of my time.

One guy did not show up after I spent $80 on a cab to Richmond, VA, (so I would not be late for our date) and paid for two nights at a motel (I was not expecting him to stay with me). When he did not answer the phone or my emails I knew he was not coming, so I went to the Science Museum (one of my favorite things to do). I had a blast, spending the entire day there, and I learned things in the Planetarium and IMAX Theater about one of my favorite subjects, (which is astronomy). The trip and the expense did not go to waste and I had an excellent time. If you are like me, and do not wait for them to come to you, you have to have or make a backup plan to make the trip worthwhile.

Now, in regards to the ones that did show up, so we could meet, that is a whole different ball game. They were still smack talkers, to varying degrees. I really do not know why they thought that they could get their lies past my radar, in person. I just cannot abide lying of any kind. I told them this from the start, and for whatever reason, they thought I either did not mean what I said, or that I would change my mind, or something. It is difficult to delve into the mind of a man and what he is thinking, when things get that far. I am sure there are many men reading this, saying that is also true of the women they have encountered. I know some men and women believe that they are so irresistible that once you have met them we will overlook the fact that they lied. To those who may be reading this article, please understand, when we say we have no tolerance for liars, it means you are wasting your time and ours. No one is that irresistible.

For the most part, the internet dating thing really is not that much different than the clubs, from my own observations and experiences. It is mostly about a hookup for sex. I have to admit, the internet makes a great avenue for it, if that is what you are looking for (no matter what lifestyle you partake in), and I was very surprised at how many women use this venue for just that, not just men. This, of course, makes things a lot harder for the rest of us men and women that are actually looking for a real and serious relationship. It is much like the issue in High School, where because one person is “easy”, the thought is that everyone is.

That brings me to the guys that did get under my radar. One in North Carolina was only trying to show a friend how easy the “Internet Dating Game” was, and he was still into his ex-girlfriend, so he was not quite sure what to do with me when I showed up in his city, but he did still show up. The connection was off, which really should have been my first clue that it was going no where and to leave it alone. You have to remember though, I was going through a learning process. Then too, Libra men are terrible about breaking off a relationship and always find a way to get the women to do it. In that much he was successful.

Then there was the guy in Las Vegas, that I told from the start I was not the right woman for him, and he did not totally believe me. Once I got there, he was really mean about everything. The Libra male thing again. Yeah, well, he committed suicide a couple of years later, so we’ll let that one rest in peace. From that one I learned, I know me better than anyone, and even if someone does not want to believe the truth that I tell them, I have to stick to my guns. I am brutally truthful about myself. My philosophy is this: If you are the right one, you can see who I really am, not be stuck on some things that are aging. Newsflash: when you get older your body ages, too.

Then there was the guy from Brooklyn, NY. Wow, now that was an adventure in patience, that I should never have had, in the first place. But, I did learn some things about myself, and I got to go places and do things that I would not have otherwise, alone, mind you, but I still got to do them. That is always a plus. Having a connection, but things not going anywhere near the way you were told that they would, definitely a clue that it is a relationship that needs to end as soon as the realization is made. Everything after that, that was not right, would not have needed to be gone through at all. This man is the only man on the planet that received more than two chances from me, when it is rare to get more than one from me at all.

Then there was the guy from Shreveport, LA. (Do you see the pattern here?) When you are somewhere, all alone, and no one but God hears you say something, only to Him, and the guy you are interested in uses the exact same phrase, it is really hard not to see it as a sign from God, as an answer to your prayer. With the way I believe in God, I just knew he was the one. I felt a connection, but there were things that came to light, including some smack talking that was found out, plus interference from outside sources. Let me put it this way, I was willing to overlook the smack, because, let’s face it, it is hard for an older man to admit that he has a physical condition that impedes his performance, and I understand this. Since this really was not all of what I was looking for, and I know how to work around it, it was not a deal breaker for me. The outside influences are what did us in, though. The fact that he gave into them, put me in a very precarious position that really shook my faith, all the way down to it is core, to the point where I hit the “on hold” button where God was concerned. (I did not walk away from God, I knew He was there and wanted to talk to me, to listen to me. I just did not want to listen or to talk to Him or anyone. I was more comfortable in a void, a bubble, if you will. The only one allowed in that bubble was my youngest granddaughter who was just a year and a half, at the time.) That lasted about 6 months.

Then there was the National Guard person. Getting me to pay attention to him at all really was not that easy, in the first place. When he first started “coming around”, through the Yahoo dating group that I am the owner of, I was with the character from Brooklyn. Eventually, he got through the radar. He passed all the tests. He had all of the right answers to the series of questions, including (and this should be included in EVERYONE’S list) asking him if he was married, in many different ways, at many different times throughout the relationship. We never argued. Never really fussed at each other about anything. Always got along. Too perfectly. (Yes, you can get along too perfectly in a relationship.) For two years I had the perfect relationship. Well almost.

After waiting for him to come back from Iraq, then waiting for medical decisions to be made, I was at a crossroads. I had to decide if I was going to keep waiting for this man or not. Having waited for over a year for the first meet, I still did not know if we were going to have that in person connection or not. So once again, by my own choice, I paid for a four day train ride from VA to El Paso, TX. I paid for the hotels that I was at for 9 days. My not knowing how that first meet went, probably should have been a clue. Many clues started surfacing, but I dismissed them for one reason or another. Long story short, I continued to wait another eight months. All the deception came to light in one fell swoop. He turned out to be, in fact, very married (maybe even a bigamist), and was cheating on me and his wife (wives?) as well.

I thought about trying it again, bolstered by the fact that I personally know some awesome people that have met there spouses via Internet Dating and are now, in fact, married to awesome people, are very much in love and have growing families. But, I’m hesitant, as now, my health is giving me some issues, and I’ve been doing a lot of thinking in the retrospect.

Not everyone is meant to be with someone else. I may be one of those that is not. I know the second that I say I am not meant to be with someone, in the definite sense, some guy is going to come along to tempt me, so I am leaving it at the “may be” stage. For now.

The ironic thing about people who give advice: It always works for everyone else, but rarely works for themselves. I will say this, however, to all of my readers:


1-Do not get caught up in FRAUDULENT MONEY SCAMS. If a guy wants you to send him money, or wants to send you money…don’t do it. These scams have different names, but they all amount to the same thing. The guy may be appear to be the best thing to hit the planet since whatever you thought was the best, before he came along. He may say all of the right things. He may be the sexiest thing you ever saw, but if he’s scamming you…you are the one that will have to deal with the federal authorities.

2-Meet in a public place when you have that first meet. I was blessed, for the most part with the ones that I met in private places, but, even still, I should have used more caution.

3-Guys in the military are not exempt from being liars, cheaters and scumbuckets. Make sure you ask the right questions and know the right signs to watch for, unless you are content to be one of his many ports.

4-Always make sure someone knows where you are going, who you are going to be with, and that you have someone to check in with.

5-Do NOT be afraid to ask some tough questions. If the person you are “interviewing” does not like the questions you are asking, I can guarantee you, they are not the right person for you.

6-When the person you are interviewing asks you what you are looking for do not give up too much information but be specific. You want to be specific, but not so specific you lead them with what to say instead of them saying it for themselves from their own heart.

7-An added suggestion: have a back up plan in case he or she stands you up. It will help you not get so hurt and irritated by it.

8-When you can, find someone you trust, to check this person out for you and give you their opinion of their potential or lack thereof. Most of the time, someone on the outside looking in, will see flaws that we cannot see because we are caught up in the moment or in the thick of things. Outside perspective helps to keep you grounded.

A Note from the Author:

Please understand that this is coming from my own experience. I am neither promoting internet dating nor denouncing it either. I am only giving you one person’s personal view and sharing those experiences. You must decide for yourself what works for you, and what does not. Happy Hunting!

Moving onto the next adventure…whatever that may be.

Categories: Dating & Relationships, Internet Dating, Internet Relationships, Love & Romance, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , | Leave a comment

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The Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth

Dawning Whimsy

Mother, student, part time substitute teacher, author...jack of all trades master of none